Learning plan 2021/2024
1st semester
- Systematic botany Thallophyta
- General chemistry
- Zoology of acellular protozoa and metazoa
- Plant histology and anatomy
- General citology
- Foreign language I
- Sport I
2nd semester
- Systematic botany Cormophyta
- Organic chemistry
- Eucoelomate invertebrate zoology
- Human histology and anatomy
- Foreign language II
- Sport II
- Optional course 1:
- Field practice
- Laboratory practice
Learning plan 2021/2024
2nd semester
- General microbiology
- Biochemistry of metabolism
- Molecular genetics
- Cellular and molecular biology
- General ecology
- Optional course 2:
- Field practice
- Laboratory practice
Learning plan 2020/2023
1st semester
2nd semester
- Plant physiology: growth and development
- Animal physiology: interaction, nutrition and reproduction
- Immunobiology
- Elaboration of undergraduate thesis
- Optional course 6
- Entomology
- Physiology of plant growth and development
- Physiology of animal behaviour
- Hydrobiology
- Herpetology
- Optional course 7
- Ornithology
- Haematology
- Phytotherapy
- History of biology