Learning plan 2022/2024
1st semester
- Principles of systemic ecology [English]
- Strategies for biodiversity conservation
- Bioindicators and ecological monitoring
- Filogeography
- Optional course 1:
- Neobiota in Romania
- Taxonomy and molecular ecology
Facultative courses
- Fundamentals of entrepreneurship
- Fundamentals of humanities education (Argumentation theory)
2nd semester
- Bioethics and ethics in academic research
- Environmental impact evaluation
- Romanian and European biogeography
- Remediaton of ecological systems
- Optional course 2:
Learning plan 2021/2023
1st semester
- Biology of conservation
- Plant and animal biocenology [English]
- Integrated management for protected areas
- Optional course 3:
- Elaboration and implementation of research projects in ecology
- Landscape ecology
- Processing and presentation of scientific information
Facultative courses
- Fundamentals of entrepreneurship