All those who want to explore the mysteries of the Earth, to know the fascination of minerals, the enigma of fossils, the depths of caves, the greatness of mountains, the strength of volcanoes or to learn how to discover and protect natural resources …

The Department of Geology, UBB Cluj he joins her, to complete her professional training and to turn her passion into fulfillment. The GEOLOGY undergraduate study programs aim to offer students the opportunity to train and be trained as specialists in a field with a pronounced applicative character. Geology is a fundamental field closely related to the practical needs of identifying, exploring, capitalizing on and protecting natural resources. Geology promotes the interaction between humans and the physical constituents of the Earth, ie rocks, sediments, soils and fluids, as well as associated natural processes. However, the geological environment is also a resource and a hazard for human development, being essential for life. It provides water, energy and many of the raw materials needed to run the company. It also contributes to decision-making in urban and infrastructure plans, offering opportunities for knowledge and prevention of hazards (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods). The graduates of the Geology specialization will have the basic qualification of GEOLOGIST, and among the targeted occupations are: geologist, geologist advisor, geologist expert, geologist specialist inspector, hydrogeologist expert, etc.

Among the competencies acquired:

-application of the knowledge obtained for the identification and exploitation of the main laws, notions and concepts specific to the field of Geology studies;

-making connections with other related fundamental scientific fields to explain some natural phenomena and processes, in concrete situations or in some projects;

-application in field studies of geological concepts, methods and techniques. Will be able to recognize the applicability and responsibilities of geology in society, in the identification and sustainable management of natural resources;

– communication of geological information and geodiversity;

– elaboration of projects and reports specific to the field of Geology studies in order to develop the research, synthesis and planning skills through the use of databases and specialized literature. The graduate will be able to identify, outline reserves of mineral resources (ores, fuels, building materials), as well as water resources management;

-performing studies on soils and foundation lands for constructions, elaboration of impact studies on the activities of extraction of mineral resources and rehabilitation of the areas affected by these activities;

– will be able to apply the strategies of efficient and responsible work, punctuality, seriousness and personal responsibility, based on the principles, norms and values of the code of professional ethics as well as the application of efficient work techniques in multidisciplinary team on various hierarchical levels.

The training of good specialists is a priority of the Department of Geology, which over the years has provided the necessary specialists for many specialized companies in the country (Romgaz, Holcim, Lafarge, Dafora, Geiger Romania, OMV Petrom, etc.) and on several continents (Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, South America or Australia).

Traditional placements in the labor market:

• national and international companies for prospecting, exploration and extraction of oil and natural gas fields (ROMGAZ, OMV PETROM, BP, Occidental, Chevron, Shell, etc.);

• national and international mining and quarrying companies (Geoservice, Devagold);

• civil, hydrotechnical construction companies, roads and bridges;

• offices and work points subordinated to local and county councils;

• environmental protection agents

• companies producing ornamental rocks;

• county and local museums …

Other possibilities given by the wide horizon of knowledge acquired during the studies


Lecturer dr. Horea Bedelean-

Reader. dr. Nicolae Har-