1st semester
- Physical geology
- Palaeontology
- Crystallography
- Mathematics applied in geology
- Physics
- Foreign language I
- Sport I
2nd semester
- Geostatistics
- Mineralogy
- Topography
- Geophysics
- Field practice 1
- Foreign language 2
- Sport 2
1st semester
- Magmatic petrology
- Sedimentary petrology
- Informatics applied in geology
- Hydrogeology
- Structural geology and geologic cartography
- Optional course 1
- Micropaleontology
- Carbonate microfacies
2nd semester
- Stratigraphy
- Metamorphic petrology
- Geochemistry
- Field practice 2
- Optional course 2 and 3
- Soil geology
- History of earth sciences
- Geotectonics
- Palebotany and palynology
1st semester
- Romanian geology
- Metallogeny
- Physical methods of analysis
- Practice for diploma project
- Optional course 4
- Paleoecology
- Facies analysis
- Optional course 5
- Methodology and ethics of research in geoscience
- Methodology for thesis preparation
2nd semester
- Fossil fuels
- Geological prospecting and exploration
- Economic geology
- Elaboration of diploma project
- Optional course 6 and 7
- Microtectonics
- Construction rocks
- Environmental geology
- Karstology