Learning plan 2022/2025
1st semester
- Animal biology
- General chemistry
- Plant histology and anatomy
- General citology
- Structural biochemistry
- Foreign language I: English/French/German/Italian/Spanish/Russian
- Sport I
Facultative courses
- Physics
- Introduction to life and earth sciences
2nd semester
- Plant biology
- Organic chemistry
- Biochemistry of metabolism
- Cellular and molecular biology
- Human histology and anatomy
- Foreign language II: English/French/German/Italian/Spanish/Russian
- Sport II
Facultative courses
- Environmental biotechnology
- PC operation
- Computer assisted graphics
- Fundamentals of entrepreneurship
- Fundamentals of humanities education (Argumentation theory)
Learning plan 2021/2024
1st semester
- Biophysics
- Enzymes and biocatalysis
- General and populational genetics
- Biostatistics
- Biochemistry of nucleic acids with elements of genomics
- Optional course 1
- Animal parasitology
- Comparative anatomy of vertebrates
Facultative courses
- Collection and conservation of teaching materials I
- Education for health
- Second foreign language
2nd semester
- General microbiology
- Molecular genetics
- Protein biochemistry with elements of proteomics
- Biochemistry of carbohydrates and lipids
- Analytical chemistry
- Introduction to bioinformatics
- Optional course 2
- Field practice (56 hours)
- Laboratory practice (56 hours)
Facultative courses
- Fundamentals of entrepreneurship
- Collection and conservation of teaching materials II
- Spectrometric analysis methods
- Second foreign language
Learning plan 2020/2023
1st semester
- Plant physiology: nutrition
- General animal physiology: integration and coordination of animal body
- Introduction to biotechnology
- Biology of development
- Optional course 3
- Laboratory practice (external) (56 hours)
- Laboratory practice (internal) (56 hours)
- Optional course 4
- Phytopathology
- Mycology
- Human genetics
- Neurobiology and brain evolution
- Optional course 5
- Research methodology, ethics and academic integrity
- Mathematics applied in biology
- Plant biochemistry and molecular biology
- Bioarcheology
- Introduction to biogeochemistry
2nd semester
- Plant physiology: growth and development
- Animal physiology: interaction, nutrition and reproduction
- Immunobiology
- Metabolism and cellular energy
- Elaboration of undergraduate thesis
- Optional course 6
- Biochemistry of cellular signaling
- Biochemistry of nutrition
- Hematology
- Ecological biochemistry
- Phytotherapy