Domeniul de expertiză: Botanică sistematică, filogeografie, fitogeografie, ecologia plantelor
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2632-640X
Email: mihai.puscas@ubbcluj.ro
Tel: 00 40 (0)264 59 21 52
Adresa: Grădina Botanică “Al. Borza”, Str. Republicii 42, Cluj-Napoca, România
BSc Biologie, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
PhD: Diplôme National de Docteur Spécialité Biodiversité – Ecologie – Environnement), Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble, France
PhD: Biologie, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
Abilitare: Biologie, Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai Cluj-Napoca
BLR1201 – Botanică sistematică (Criptogame II, Fanerogame)
BMR3103 – Filogeografie
Mráz, P., L. Flašková, J. Chrtek, V. Mrázová, M. Puşcaş, J. Josefiová, E. Záveská, 2024. Persistence Over Millennia Through Extreme Clonal Longevity: Phylogenomic Insight Into History of One of the World’s Rarest Plant Species. Journal of Biogeography, https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.15028.
Turtureanu PD, Barros C, Bec S, Hurdu BI, Saillard A, Šibík J, Balázs ZR, Novikov A, Renaud J, Podar D, Thuiller W, Pușcaș M, Choler P, 2020. Biogeography of intraspecific trait variability in matgrass (Nardus stricta): high phenotypic variation at the local scale exceeds large scale variability patterns. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics, 46, 125555, doi: 10.1016/j.ppees.2020.125555.
Turtureanu PD, Pușcaș M, Podar D, Balázs ZR, Hurdu B-I, Novikov A, Renaud J, Saillard A, Bec S, Șuteu D, Băcilă I, Choler P. 2023. Extent of intraspecific trait variability in ecologically central and marginal populations of a dominant alpine plant across European mountains. Annals of Botany. 132 (2): 335–347, doi.org/10.1093/aob/mcad105.
Geremia RA, Pușcaș M, Zinger L, Bonneville J-M, Choler P, 2016, Contrasting microbial biogeographical patterns between anthropogenic subalpine grasslands and natural alpine grasslands. The New Phytologist, 209 (3), 1196-207, 10.1111/nph.13690.
Pauli H, Gottfried M, Dullinger S, Abdaladze O, Akhalkatsi M, Alonso, JLB, Coldea G, Dick J, Erschbamer B, Calzado RF, Ghosn D, Holten JI, Kanka R, Kazakis G, Kollar J, Larsson P, Moiseev P, Moiseev D, Molau U, Mesa JM, Nagy L, Pelino G, Puşcaş M, Rossi G, Stanisci A, Syverhuset AO, Theurillat JP, Tomaselli M, Unterluggauer P, Villar L, Vittoz P, Grabherr G (2012) Recent plant diversity changes on Europe’s mountain summits, Science, 336, 353-355.
Gottfried M, Pauli H, Futschik A, Akhalkatsi M, Barancok P, Alonso JLB, Coldea G, Dick J, Erschbamer B, Calzado MRF, Kazakis G, Krajci J, Larsson P, Mallaun M, Michelsen O, Moiseev D, Moiseev P, Molau U, Merzouki A, Nagy L, Nakhutsrishvili G, Pedersen B, Pelino G, Puşcaş M, Rossi G, Stanisci A, Theurillat JP, Tomaselli M, Villar L, Vittoz P, Vogiatzakis I, Grabherr G (2012) Continent-wide response of mountain vegetation to climate change, Nature Climate Change, 2, 111-115.