Conf. dr. ing. DAN CĂLIN GAFTA
Linii de cercetare: Ecologie vegetală, Interesat de cercetare in domeniul ecologiei cantitative, de la nivelul populatiei/speciei la cel al peisajului.
Tel: 0264-593891
Adresa: Grădina Botanică “Al. Borza”, Str. Republicii 42, Cluj-Napoca, România
Post-doctoral Ecologie Forestieră (Universitatea North Carolina din Chapel Hill)
PhD Geobotanică (Universitatea din Pavia)
BSc Științe Forestiere (Universitatea din Torino)
BSc Silvicultură (Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov)
BME3301 Biocenologie (sectia)
BLR1306 Biostatistică (sectia)
Gafta D., Coldea G., 2024. Disentangling the effects of terrain slope and grassland-use continuity on the structure of calcareous, semi natural grasslands (western Cluj Hills, Romania). Phytocoenologia 52: sub tipar (DOI: 10.1127/phyto/2024/0440)
Coldea G., Gafta D., Negrean G., 2023. Eco-coenotic and diversity patterns in Artemisia alba open scrubs from Romania within the context of similar communities from neighbouring regions. Diversity 15: 475.
Cianfaglione K., Crișan F., Gafta D., 2023. Soil quality enhances seed germination success in Ephedra major – a pilot experiment. Plants 12: 438.
Coldea G., Gafta D., Negrean G., Stoica A.I., Hurdu B.I., 2022. Southern Carpathian ultramafic grasslands within the central-southeast European context: syntaxonomic classification and overall eco-coenotic patterns. Botanical Studies 63: 29, 21 pp.
Gafta D., Horj P., 2022. Contrasting interactions of remnant spruce trees with indigenous broadleaves in a partially converted stand from a former plantation. Forest Ecology and Management 508: 120052, 9 pp.
Stoica A.I., Gafta D., Coldea G., 2022. Scots pine bog woodlands in the Eastern Carpathians versus their northern, lowland counterparts: floristic dissimilarities and underlying ecological gradients. Mires and Peat 28: article 09, 15 pp.
Șuteu A., Gafta D., Crișan F., 2021. Constraints to shoot growth and biomass allocation in Astragalus peterfii growing in two different stressful habitats. Phyton – Annales Rei Botanicae 61: 25-30.
Gafta D., Stoica A.I., Coldea G., 2021. The ranked species occupancy curves reflect the dominant process of species sorting: evidence from forest/scrub communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13086.
Gafta D., Schnitzler A., Closset-Kopp D., Cristea V., 2021. Neighbourhood-based evidence of tree diversity promotion by beech in an old-growth deciduous-coniferous mixed forest (Eastern Carpathians). Annals of Forest Research 64: 13-30.
Gafta D., Peet R.K., 2020. Interaction of herbs and tree saplings is mediated by soil fertility and stand evergreenness in southern Appalachian forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 31: 95-106.