Dr. Ioan Balintoni

Dr. Ioan Bucur
carbonate micropaleontology, biostratigraphy, sedimentology

Dr. Sorin Filipescu
micropaleontology, stratigraphy, paleoecology, foraminifera

Dr. Bogdan Onac
paleoclimates, paleoenvironments based on cave deposits; sea-level changes, mineralogy, isotopic geochemistry

Dr. Carmen Chira
paleoecology, calcareous nannoplankton

Dr. Ferenc Forray
environmental geochemistry, climate change

Dr. Nicolae Har
magmatic and metamorphic petrology, geomaterials

Dr. Emanoil Săsăran
sedimentology, facies analysis

Dr. Loránd Silye
micropaleontology, paleoceanography, paleoenvironments

Dr. Călin Tămaș
mineralogy and genesis of metallic ores, archeometry

Dr. Ioan Tanțău
palynology, Quaternary paleoenvironments

Dr. Constantin Balica
isotopic geology and geochronology, continental crust, geotectonics

Dr. Horea Bedelean
mineralogy and petrology of non-metallic materials, environmental protection

Dr. Raluca Haitonic
micropaleontology, stratigraphy, paleoecology

Dr. Boglarka-Mercedesz Kis
geochemistry, environmental geology, hydrogeology

Dr. Cristian Mircescu
carbonate micropaleontology, sedimentology

Dr. George Pleș
carbonate paleontology, biostratigraphy

Dr. Liana Săsăran
paleoecology, rudists, paleontological collections

Dr. Alexandra Tămaș
structural geology, field geology, petroleum geology

Dr. Dan Mircea Tămaș
analog modeling, structural geology, salt tectonics, hydrocarbon geology

Dr. Tudor Tămaș
mineralogy, Quaternary paleoclimatology, karstology, cave survey

Dr. Luminița Zaharia
Google Scholar profile

Dr. Szabolcs Kövecsi

Botond Árpád Lázár
foraminifera, Paleoenvironment

Dr. Carlo Aroldi
Google Scholar profile
Dr. Gareth J. Dyke

the evolutionary history of birds and their
dinosaurian relatives
Dr. Nicolae Trif

paleoichtyology și marine paleoecology
Răzvan Ionuț Bercea

siliciclastic sedimentology
Bianca Copoț

structural geology, analog modeling
Agnes Ruskal

hydroclimate, micropaleontology, Quaternary geology